Specialized writers with real-world experience in your industry
Extensive experience backing every piece of content.
Our vetted writers get your projects across the finish line.
Every business needs high-quality written content to grow and thrive.
If you’re operating in a highly specialized field, producing trustworthy, nuanced content takes time and effort.
You need a sustainable solution… so now you’re weighing your options:
If you write it yourself…
It’s a good place to start, but writing takes away time that you need for growing your business. AI writing tools slow you down even more.
The result
You find it harder and harder to set aside time to write when you’re busy growing your business. When your attention is needed elsewhere, important writing projects get pushed to the back burner.
If you rely on a marketplace…
True experts are hard to find in a sea of generalists. Even if you manage to find a good writer, you still have to heavily manage and direct each project.
The result
You cycle through writers who don’t work out, and eventually realize that finding subject matter experts who write well and work on contract is a full-time job.
We offer a superior solution.
Partner with our vetted network of specialized writers who understand your industry.
The result
We’re the double-edged swords of the writing world.
Many of our experts hold PhDs or advanced degrees in your field—plus a specialized skill in writing.
No more wondering where to find a writer who truly understands your niche and can support your growth strategy.
An Army of Writers is qualified to discuss and communicate the nuances of your specialized field.
You get expert-written content, without having to vet your writers yourself.
You can grow your business, supported by engaging, authoritative content.
Getting started is easy.
Here’s your path to expert content:
Schedule a Call
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Start Working With Expert Writers
Not sure if we’re the right fit yet?
We’ve worked on hundreds of projects across dozens of industries.
Reach out, tell us what industry you’re in, and we’ll send you an example of our work in action in your field.
Where you’ve seen our work before:

Written by experts. Fueled by excellence.
No obligation to hire on retainer.
Our services are designed to meet your needs at every stage.
For small to medium businesses
Gain access to individual expert writers matched specifically to your niche. Whether it’s a single project or ongoing writing needs, we provide the experts you need to advance your business through the written word.
For large enterprises
Does your enterprise require ongoing, large-scale content production? We can provide you with a full-scale content and editorial team that seamlessly integrates with your marketing department.
Let our experts get your project across the finish line.
It’s not everyday that you find someone who is both a subject matter expert and an expert writer. We happen to have an army of them.
Other writing services
White Papers
Technical Manuals
Thought Leadership
Sales Brochures
Case Studies
“Never missed a beat, delivered
tremendous value, and handled the
content management.
Introducing and working with An Army of Writers built up my reputation.
They never missed a beat, delivered tremendous value, and handled the content management entirely.”
– Olivier Lemaignen, HPO Coach